As part of the information and awareness campaign within the project, we organized a presentation for 10 teachers from Şcoala Gimnazială Nistoreşti, regarding the measures to protect biodiversity and the importance of the natural area Şindriliţa.
The presentation emphasized the need to build an informal partnership between the project implementation team and the participating teachers, in order to disseminate information on biodiversity protection. This was based on the fact that teachers are opinion makers and information multipliers for school students as well as for the entire local community.
The presentation of the protected natural area Şindriliţa had a special impact, teachers noting that they had not been informed in the past about the existence and characteristics of the site, despite it being located close to their commune. The meeting was also a good opportunity to discuss the crucial role that school plays in preparing young people for life, from the educational and civic point of view. Concerning the positive impact of education on the biodiversity conservation process, teachers stated that their profesoral experience proved that students are highly responsive to environmental messages and willing to change their behavior in line with them.
Teachers were also encouraged to support the critical and creative thinking of students regarding the many aspects of nature protection. Those present assured the project team that they will develop during classes the theme of biological diversity, in order to help children understand what it is and how it works, what are the consequences of its destruction or degradation and how they can protect it themselves.