Socio economic description

From a demographic point of view, the population decline and ageing trend in the 2 targeted communities determine a continuous decrease of the anthropic impact pressures from the locals. This tendency favorable to maintaining the conservation state is higher in Nistoreşti commune and lower in Nereju commune.

The 2 communes close to the natural area have an economy based mostly on exploiting and capitalizing natural resources. Thus, due to isolation and the small area of meadows, the site itself is of no economic importance for animal agriculture, but this activity is relevant to the subsistence agriculture of the communities, as meadows and grasslands are the second category of land use, after forests. Also, the high percentage of forest vegetation (81.9%) determines the development of wood industry (92% of the total turnover of the economic agents in the two communes), from this perspective the area being defined as mono-industrial.

Besides the activities carried out by economic agents, the subsistence activities also include the collection and processing of forest fruits (the protected area also being known locally as “Afiniș”).

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