
The project activities are:

1. Elaboration of the management plan substantiation studies
1.1. Socio-economic analysis in order to substantiate the management plan and the conservation measures developed through the project
1.2. Elaboration of the study on the abiotic environment and the forms of land ownership on the site Natura 2000 ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa
1.3. Elaboration of the inventory study, mapping the distribution and the assessment of the conservation status of habitats and species of community interest (except Canis lupus and Ursus arctos) on the site Natura 2000 ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa
1.4. Inventory and mapping the distribution of species Canis lupus and Ursus arctos on the site ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa
1.5. Evaluation of current and potential threats, of anthropic impact sources and establishment of management / conservation measures for species and habitats of community interest on the site ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa
1.6. Elaboration of methodologies and protocols to monitor the conservation status of habitats
and species of community / national importance
1.7. Elaboration of a GIS database (compatible with ANPM database)

2. Elaboration and approval of the management plan and elaboration of the site regulation

2.1. Elaboration of the management plan
2.2. Elaboration of the site regulation
2.3. Approval of the management plan – conducting the procedure for strategic environmental assessment

3. Education, awareness and information activities
3.1. Awareness and public consultation sessions
3.2. Education and awareness online actions
3.3. Education and awareness actions among students
3.4. Education of the local community regarding the anthropic impact on biodiversity
3.5. Production of two short films
3.6. Information and project promotion
3.7. Assessment of the awareness campaign impact

4. Increase of administrative capacity
4.1. Training sessions
4.2. Information / computer system – hardware and software
4.3. Equipment for monitoring the conservation status

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or of the Government of Romania.
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