Despite the tourist potential due to landscape characteristics, tourism is a poorly developed activity in the area. In this regard, the two communities cannot be considered a real tourist attraction, given the fact that the tourist infrastructure and the tourist offer are almost completely missing (at the National Institute of Statistics, there are no registered accommodation units or camping sites located on these administrative units).
Within the protected area, tourism is represented by hiking (on two specific footpaths), with a relatively small number of tourists, determined mainly by the isolated nature of the area. The tourist attractions of Nistoreşti commune include Cheile Nărujei I and II (Năruja Gorge I and II), Lacul Negru (Negru Lake), Cascada Mişina (Mişina Waterfall), “Verdele” Forest, Pietrosul and Mordanu peaks, Mount Goru and the Rescue Base, and nearby Nereju commune there are the mountain areas of Dealul Negru and Lapoș (1400 m) and Căldările Zăbalei (a protected area along Zăbala river).