Students presentation Şcoala Gimnazială Nereju Mic (05.06.2018)
15 Jun 2018

As part of the information and awareness campaign on biodiversity in the site Şindriliţa, the third meeting with students was held at Şcoala Gimnazială Nereju Mic, for 20 children in the 7th and 8th grades.

The dialogue was adapted to the students’ level of knowledge, while watching short films, providing examples and sharing experiences helped maintain their interest throughout the meeting. In this way, a proper framework has been created to understand the need to protect biodiversity and to encourage a positive attitude towards nature in general.

The team presented to the children details about the site Şindriliţa, as well as images of wild animals caught by the video surveillance cameras installed in the site as part of the monitoring actions within the project. The students managed to identify all species and indicated that they had seen some of them from a distance, in the forest near the village. An interesting aspect of the meeting was that, after watching these images of animals in their natural habitat, the students mentioned the negative impact of human activities on the environment, offering examples such as deforestation and poaching.

This has shown that students are highly responsive to ecological messages and manage to make some cause-to-effect connections regarding the relation between man and nature. The team also informed the children about other characteristics of anthropic impact on biodiversity to help them become aware of the need to change and adapt their behavior in order to protect nature.

By understanding the benefits of the project in terms of biodiversity conservation in the site Şindriliţa and by asking for numerous explanations about the proper behavior during hiking, the children of Nereju Mic village have taken important steps in building a positive attitude towards the environment and acquiring the ability to tell the difference between what is good and what is harmful to nature.

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