Thematic Trip for Students of Nistoreşti Secondary School (21.09.2018)
30 Sep 2018

The thematic trip organized in September 21, 2018 for 10 pupils from the 5th – 7th grades of Nistoreşti Secondary School, was a form of practice-applicative activity that sustained and completed the theoretical knowledge of pupils in a pleasant way.

The children were transported in a natural area, in a meadow situated at the margin of the village, close to the road to Valea Neagră Monastery. Thus, we have created a favorable context in learning new concepts and adopting appropriate behavior in protecting the environment.

In the beginning the target group made a review of biodiversity protection information in order to be prepared for future games. For this activity the pupils used thematic map so that they could better understand where the protected area is located and which are the species of community interest within it.

The interactive educational games on the theme of environmental protection were organized. These activities stimulated teamwork, imagination, inventiveness, creativity and helped students to develop proper environmental behavior.

The first educational game was to throw a ball from one child to another and in the same time they had to say their first name and a name of a wild animal species or plant that begins with the same letter as their first name. Thus, they had the opportunity to give fast and right answers and to learn more about the ecological themes and the activities from this trip tested their vigilance, concentration and speed reaction.

The second game stimulated creativity, team spirit, efficient organization and speed in performing the task. The young people have made a musical instrument with material resources of nature with no environmental damage (grass, leaves, wild fruits and fallen branches, etc.). The 10 participants chose to build a lyre from various plant elements and realized that nature is an inexhaustible source of resources, including for artistic purposes, if we have a long-term responsible behavior.

In an interactive way that increased amusement, the 10 traveled alongside natural obstacles, forced to slalom with closed eyes among trees and high vegetation. They aligned one behind another, each holding his colleague in front of him; they chose a team leader to stay in front of the team and to help them navigate the route. Thus, they have developed teamwork skills and understood more easily the importance of each element (plant, animal or human) to maintain balance in nature.

With the help of the last game, students have resumed all the information related to protecting the biodegradability of the target site.

The purpose of the activities from this natural area was to train and practice environmental care and to fulfill the everyday rhythm of school activities, to stimulate the curiosity and the children’s desire to be involved and develop an ecological positive attitude.

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