On September 28, 2018, the second project education meeting was organized in Vetreşti-Herăstrău Secondary School in Vetreşti-Herăstrău, Nistoresti village, Vrancea county. 20 pupils who took part at this meeting were participating students at the first project meeting from their school, as well as new participants. For this reason, the presentation consisted of their involvement in the recapitulation of information, the achieving of new knowledge and in educational games on ecological topics, which are valuable in learning and forming ecological behavior.
The children recalled some or all of the information, proving that participation in the first eco-education meeting made them interested in this issues, learned many important aspects related to environmental protection so that they know how to adopt a favorable attitude towards nature conservation. Again they had the chance to enrich their knowledge with environmental information, environmental health, pollution factors and agents, threats, etc.
At the same time, the participants had the opportunity to remember everything they learned about the Şindriliţa natural area during the first presentation in the school. The students were helped by the project team to complete their knowledge about the location, surface and natural value of the site in order to be aware of the need to protect it and to adopt appropriate behavior in the future. The team asked the pupils to list the protected species of animals in the Şindriliţa natural area, and they remembered especially the three carnivorous species (bear, wolf, lynx) and in addition received information about the other species present in the site (great crested newt, Carpathian newt and Bullhead).
The first steps to protect the environment and the Şindrilita protected area have also been resumed by offering behavioral examples. Throughout the presentation, students were encouraged to express what they know about the conservation of biological diversity, to give examples, to share their own experiences, to participate voluntarily in educational games, to collaborate and to find creative solutions adapted to the resources they have at their disposal for the environmental problems.
The theoretical presentation was followed by the organization of six educational games on the theme of environmental protection during which the students formed teams and fulfilled various tasks. Due to the interactive nature of these activities, imagination, inventiveness, creativity, ingenuity, the children’s desire to learn more have been exploited and stimulated to help them adopt quickly and easily a responsible attitude and act consciously to protect the nature.
Children have been encouraged to pass all this information to their family, friends and colleagues to help them become aware of their responsibility for protecting the environment, because caring for the environment means caring for the community, for its wellbeing and health.