6 Jan 2018

Local communities situated on or close to the site (inhabitants of the communes, farmers, fishermen, associations of farmers, ranchers, landowners etc.) perceive the Natura 2000 status as rather restricting their properties and the exploitation of natural resources of the area.
Therefore, the representatives of local communities currently have a low level of awareness of this issue and their motivation to make any changes can only come from understanding the benefits that a Natura 2000 site and nature conservation can bring in the medium and long-term. Likewise, both the possibility of paying compensation in Natura 2000 sites and the material benefits of committing to the agri-environment measure provide a proper motivation to comply with the Management Plan of the site, which would mean the successful implementation of the project.
Consequently, there are several possible actions that address their interests and transform the impact of the project on local communities into a positive one in all its aspects. This means, on the one hand, information, raising awareness and education activities with the aim of changing attitudes and behaviors and, on the other hand, involving them in activities and programs that benefit the local community on the basis of the Natura 2000 status.

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or of the Government of Romania.
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