Launching the project ”Elaboration of the management plan for the site of community importance Natura 2000 ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa” code SMIS 2014+ 102329
2 Nov 2017

Ocolul Silvic Năruja, as project Beneficiary and custodian of the protected area, held a conference in Năruja announcing the start of the project ”Elaboration of the management plan for the site of community importance Natura 2000 ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa”. The project will be implemented over a period of 36 months, with a total eligible value of 3.683.099,38 lei. Its funding is provided by the European Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Large Infrastructure, Priority Axis 4, Specific Objective 4.1.

The general objective of the project is protecting and conserving biodiversity in the protected natural area ROSCI0228 Şindriliţa, by elaborating and implementing an efficient management plan of the site. The site occupies an area of 870 ha and the protected species according to the Standard Sheet are: Canis lupus – wolf, Ursus arctos – brown bear, Lynx lynx – lynx, Lissotriton (Triturus) Montandoni – Carpathian newt, Triturus cristatus – great crested newt, Cottus gobio – bullhead. The habitats targeted by the project are: 6520 – Mountain meadows, 9110 – Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests, 9410 – Acidophilic Picea abies spruce forests on mountain level.

The site is located near the south-western border of Vrancea County, in the southern part of Vrancea Mountains, the entire area being on the administrative territory of Nereju and Nistoreşti communes.

The results to be achieved within the project are: a management plan realized and approved, 5 public information and consultation events, 1 web page, 10 school presentations, 10 thematic trips with students, 2 presentations with teachers, 10 info-points and 2 short films presenting the site.

More about implementing this project on

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