Students Presentation Nereju School (05.10.2018)
12 Oct 2018

Children, from early childhood, must be educated in the spirit of respect for nature and developing a relationship of harmony with the environment, because it is a living mechanism for the proper functioning of which depends on all human activity.

Ecological education and the skills to cherish and respect the environment begins especially among students because they are tomorrow’s citizens who will be active in nature protection and in the action of reconciling man with nature.

For this purpose, the second educational meeting was held at Nereju School, on October 11, 2018, at 11.00, by Ocolul Silvic Naruja, within the project, for 20 pupils from 5th to 8th grades.

This time, the objective of this educational meeting was to increase the level of education and awareness among students in Nereju about the importance of knowing and adopting responsible behavior towards the environment in general and biodiversity conservation in particular.

The thematic presentation was about informing the 20 participants about the characteristics and natural value of the site of community importance Şindriliţa, the importance of the project for conservation of the species and habitats in the site as well as the threats to nature and appropriate behaviors for its protection.

During this educational meeting were presented the activities of Ocolul Silvic Naruja in the field of biodiversity protection, it is the beneficiary of the project and the custodian of the site Şindriliţa. The presentation followed the pupils’ needs to know more about the protected areas in their own county and, especially, the protected natural area Şindriliţa, which is near the town where they live and about which they did not have much information. It has been made clarifications about the notions of species and habitat, the protected species of animals that live in the site and the protected natural habitats that are on its surface. For a better understanding, there were also presented some pictures of wild animals (that was made with the help of video cameras placed in the site), which aroused the curiosity of the target group.

The implementation team has also successfully used the informal education methods through ecological educational games to help children more easily assimilate concepts of environmental protection and develop a positive attitude towards the Şindrilita site.

The games increased children’s enthusiasm to contribute to a code of rules for nature conservation, and were glad that through the creative spirit, skills in the plastic arts and team spirit, they had a clear understanding of the need to protect biodiversity.

During this activity, children understood that man is inseparable from the environment in which he lives and must develop attentive and correct behavior towards him, act from persuasion, not from constraint in order to respect and protect the environment.

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