Within the information and awareness campaign on biodiversity in the site Şindriliţa, we organized a presentation for the students of Şcoala Gimnazială „Dimitrie Gusti” from the village of Nereju, located in the mountain area of Vrancea County.
For the 20
children in the 6th and 7th grades, the meeting proved useful to learn about the existence and characteristics of the site, as well as to become aware of the current threats to the environment and the many ways in which they can protect it.
Their interest regarding the protection of animal species and natural habitats has been obvious right from the beginning of the presentation, when their attention was drawn to the image on the roll-up of the project, placed in the classroom, which showed a member of the protected species Ursus arctos (brown bear), present in the site. The other protected animal species in the natural area Şindriliţa were also presented, the team members giving additional explanations for some of the species that the students mistook for others (for example, the great crested newt was initially identified by them as salamander).
Encouraged to talk about the threats they think nature is facing today, students have unanimously indicated man as the main danger. In this context, the children were able to understand the need to establish and comply with rules and carry out specific activities to ensure conservation of the protected species within the site.
At the end of the presentation, all participants received leaflets, customized backpacks and caps and were adviced to enter the website and the Facebook page of the project so that they could get more information about the protection of the natural area Şindriliţa.