Teachers presentation Şcoala Gimnazială Nereju (05.06.2018)
15 Jun 2018

Ecological education is education for life. This was the conclusion of the second activity of information and awareness for teachers organized within the project at Şcoala Gimnazială „Dimitrie Gusti” from Nereju village, located near the site Şindriliţa.

The meeting aimed to inform the 10 participating teachers about the concept of biodiversity and Europe’s efforts to conserve it, with particular emphasis on the importance of education regarding biodiversity protection. During the presentation, the profesoral experience of the majority, who had the opportunity to guide several generations of students, made them understand one important fact: true ecological education has to start from childhood, as it contributes to the development of an ecological consciousness which determines an appropriate behavior towards the environment.

The teachers were interested in this aspect, presented by the project team from the perspective of the key role that school plays in the process of education to protect the environment. They discussed the impact of their daily interaction with students and the chance to prepare them for life from all points of view, including that of protecting the environment.

Several teachers stated that developing an ecological behavior is all the more necessary for students from Nereju village as the entire local community has carried out over time activities that also had a negative impact on forests and biodiversity in the area. The participants assured that they will be constantly involved in educating children on this topic, as the meeting helped them realize how important it is for students to know the current environmental issues and to acknowledge the role they play in protecting nature.

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